

Waste management - Depollution -
adivce & industry expertise


We support you in your projects and the development of your organization.

After an experience of more than 25 years in different companies,
I created Volcan IWRS to share my knowledge with French and international organizations.

From management to waste management through the depollution of industrial wastelands, I support men and women to create added value by providing ecological and sustainable solutions.

Partners & Associates

Companies, competitiveness cluster, NGOs, partners and associates in our adventure

They trust us

the companies that trust us! Why not you ?


A need ? Additional questions?


Franck Eloi, Founder of Volcano IWRS

I created the company to share my knowledge with companies in need and support them throughout their development.

Discover Franck's career path on our who am I page

A sample of our successes

Our previous missions